2.I am Watanabe.・・・・・・英語。
3.나는 와타나베입니다.・・・・ハングル。
4.Eu sou Watanabe.・・・・・ポルトガル語。
3.のハングルは【ナヌン ワタナベ イッスムニダ】と読む。
4.のポルトガル語だが、私が昔覚えたのは【シャーモメ ワタナベ】という言い方である。"メ"は英語で言えば"me"に当り、これを直訳すれば【(私は)自らをワタナベと名乗る】となる。
ウィキペディア【スペイン語】にはこうある。 ↓
5.の中国語は【ウォー シー ワタナベ】と読む。語順はインド・ヨーロッパ語族と同じだ。
今旧漢字を字体もそのままに保存し使っているのは台湾だけだ。 I try to introduce myself today. 1. I am Watanabe. ・ ・ ・ ... Japanese. 2. I am Watanabe. ・ ・ ・ ... English. 3. I am Watanabe. ・ ... Hangul Alphabet. 4. Eu sou Watanabe. ・ ・ ... Portuguese. 5. 我是渡辺. ・ ・ ... ... Chinese. 3. Please read the "Hangul Alphabets" with [Nanun Watanabe issumunida]. 4. That's Portuguese, but [Shamome Watanabe.] was that I learned in old days. "me" hits "me"in English translates this literally, it means [I name myself Watanabe]. The number of human beings speaking Portuguese as a native language is that 250 million people are in the world, and, as for 'this, there is the double of the population of Japan. Portuguese, being involved with our country is deep by the Western trade of the national seclusion era, and the end is that these all comes from Portuguese up to [Pontocho] of Kyoto,early Christianity in Japan, Christian, rain jacket, undershirt, button, pumpkin, glass, confetto, cigarette, tempura, bateira, piggyback, karuta,tin, bi-ball ,That's all[Japanese made from Portuguese]. By the way,I seem that they bound [Portuguese is not something like dialect of Spanish after all?] and high until they are taught it by Japanese-people, and it is impossible to conclude that it is a simple mistake, and both languages resemble closely. The one day system person that heard my Portuguese pronunciation "remember that read Spanish, and laughed with lazy ♪"". Wikipedia [Spanish] has it in this way. ↓ Spanish is spoken routinely in the 'world by approximately 420 million human beings and is international common language in the Latin America area. There are a country and the area that assume Spanish an official language more than 20 and is English (approximately 80 countries, areas), French (approximately 50 countries, areas), a language used for the fourth in many countries next to Arabic (approximately 27 countries, areas) in the world. In the United Nations, it is one of the '6 horn official languages equalling English, French, Chinese, Russian, Arabic. In the Internet, approximately 8% of whole user are Spanish use and are the third language next to English (approximately 27%) and Chinese (approximately 23%) [1]. (cf. use of the language in the Internet) For example, a Japanese Akita valve, Aomori dialect and Hakata valve, Kagoshima dialect without standard language the single-mindedness vs. because want to doubt it if let determine it whether the words will know it as expected, this still thinks that Spanish and a Portuguese difference will not be great problems if compare it with it. Is something like all relative relations including the language of Western European countries generally; (!) It is not remote words between Japanese and Chinese. Therefore because I can talk about all of them [even if some of them say "I am proud of myseif 'cause I'm "multi-lingualist"♪】, this only trouble me with such as saying. 5. If you read Chinese [War sea Watanabe], The word order is the same as India Euarope family of languages. "Kanji culture will be lost soon!" late government position in ancient, Lyoutarou Shiba(Japanese famouse wrighter)grieved over [a simplified Chinese character] of Mainland China, but a reasonable effort and device will be necessary to rescue people of 800 million from danger of [illiterate]. However, still it cannot be to be allowed to become only some scholars and a man of power to understand the Kanjis. It is only in Taiwan now,People are just storing the style, and using the old kanji.
2.I am Watanabe.・・・・・・英語。
3.나는 와타나베입니다.・・・・ハングル。
4.Eu sou Watanabe.・・・・・ポルトガル語。
3.のハングルは【ナヌン ワタナベ イッスムニダ】と読む。
4.のポルトガル語だが、私が昔覚えたのは【シャーモメ ワタナベ】という言い方である。"メ"は英語で言えば"me"に当り、これを直訳すれば【(私は)自らをワタナベと名乗る】となる。
ウィキペディア【スペイン語】にはこうある。 ↓
5.の中国語は【ウォー シー ワタナベ】と読む。語順はインド・ヨーロッパ語族と同じだ。
今旧漢字を字体もそのままに保存し使っているのは台湾だけだ。 I try to introduce myself today. 1. I am Watanabe. ・ ・ ・ ... Japanese. 2. I am Watanabe. ・ ・ ・ ... English. 3. I am Watanabe. ・ ... Hangul Alphabet. 4. Eu sou Watanabe. ・ ・ ... Portuguese. 5. 我是渡辺. ・ ・ ... ... Chinese. 3. Please read the "Hangul Alphabets" with [Nanun Watanabe issumunida]. 4. That's Portuguese, but [Shamome Watanabe.] was that I learned in old days. "me" hits "me"in English translates this literally, it means [I name myself Watanabe]. The number of human beings speaking Portuguese as a native language is that 250 million people are in the world, and, as for 'this, there is the double of the population of Japan. Portuguese, being involved with our country is deep by the Western trade of the national seclusion era, and the end is that these all comes from Portuguese up to [Pontocho] of Kyoto,early Christianity in Japan, Christian, rain jacket, undershirt, button, pumpkin, glass, confetto, cigarette, tempura, bateira, piggyback, karuta,tin, bi-ball ,That's all[Japanese made from Portuguese]. By the way,I seem that they bound [Portuguese is not something like dialect of Spanish after all?] and high until they are taught it by Japanese-people, and it is impossible to conclude that it is a simple mistake, and both languages resemble closely. The one day system person that heard my Portuguese pronunciation "remember that read Spanish, and laughed with lazy ♪"". Wikipedia [Spanish] has it in this way. ↓ Spanish is spoken routinely in the 'world by approximately 420 million human beings and is international common language in the Latin America area. There are a country and the area that assume Spanish an official language more than 20 and is English (approximately 80 countries, areas), French (approximately 50 countries, areas), a language used for the fourth in many countries next to Arabic (approximately 27 countries, areas) in the world. In the United Nations, it is one of the '6 horn official languages equalling English, French, Chinese, Russian, Arabic. In the Internet, approximately 8% of whole user are Spanish use and are the third language next to English (approximately 27%) and Chinese (approximately 23%) [1]. (cf. use of the language in the Internet) For example, a Japanese Akita valve, Aomori dialect and Hakata valve, Kagoshima dialect without standard language the single-mindedness vs. because want to doubt it if let determine it whether the words will know it as expected, this still thinks that Spanish and a Portuguese difference will not be great problems if compare it with it. Is something like all relative relations including the language of Western European countries generally; (!) It is not remote words between Japanese and Chinese. Therefore because I can talk about all of them [even if some of them say "I am proud of myseif 'cause I'm "multi-lingualist"♪】, this only trouble me with such as saying. 5. If you read Chinese [War sea Watanabe], The word order is the same as India Euarope family of languages. "Kanji culture will be lost soon!" late government position in ancient, Lyoutarou Shiba(Japanese famouse wrighter)grieved over [a simplified Chinese character] of Mainland China, but a reasonable effort and device will be necessary to rescue people of 800 million from danger of [illiterate]. However, still it cannot be to be allowed to become only some scholars and a man of power to understand the Kanjis. It is only in Taiwan now,People are just storing the style, and using the old kanji.
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